Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Üroloji Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi

İletişim: 0 530 313 24 68
Hafta içi 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Dr. Selçuk YÜCEL


prof dr selçuk yücel

Prof.Dr. Selçuk Yücel, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesidir. İyi derecede İngilizce bilmekte ve uluslararası Üroloji derneklerinde aktif üyedir.


Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (1988-2000, İstanbul)

Prof.Dr. Selçuk Yücel 1995 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesini birincilik derecesi ile bitirdi. Aynı yıl Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalında başladığı asistanlığını 2000 yılında bitirerek üroloji uzmanlığını aldı.

Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (2001-2013, Antalya)

2001yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalına öğretim görevlisi olarak başladı ve 2006 yılında Doçent ünvanı alıp 2011-2013 de Çocuk Ürolojisi Bölüm Başkanı olarak Profesör kadrosunda çalıştı.

Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi (2013-2018, İstanbul)

2013 yılında Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı’na geçip 2018 yılına kadar Çocuk Ürolojisi Bölüm Başkanı olarak Acıbadem Üniversitesi Maslak, Acıbadem Kadıköy, Acıbadem Üniversitesi Atakent hastanelerinde Profesör kadrosunda çalıştı.

Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (2018 – halen, İstanbul)

2018 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalına Profesör kadrosunda atanıp tıp öğrencisi, üroloji uzmanlık asistanı ve çocuk ürolojisi yan dal uzmanlık asistanı eğitimi vermeye başladı.


Harvard Üniversitesi (1997, Boston, ABD)

ABD de doktorluk yapabilme için gerekli olan ECFMG sertifikasına sahip olan Prof. Dr Selçuk Yücel üroloji asistanlığı sırasında Harvard Üniversitesinde 3 ay süre ile çalışmıştır.

California San Francisco Üniversitesi (2001-2004, San Francisco, ABD)

Uzmanlık sonrasında 2001-2004 yılları arasında University of California San Francisco da Dr. Larry Baskin gözetiminde hipospadias ve diğer doğumsal genital bozukluklar, idrar kaçırma, idrar tutma kasları ve sinirleri üzerine önemli çalışmalar yapmıştır.

University of California San Francisco da Dr. Tom Lue , Dr. Jack McAninch ve Dr. Emil Tanagho‘ya gözlemci olarak katılarak üretra darlıkları, penis bozuklukları ve kadın ve erkeklerde idrar kaçırma tedavileri üzerine rekonstrüktif ve fonksiyonel üroloji tecrübesini arttırdı.

Texas Southwestern Üniversitesi (2005-2006, Dallas, ABD)

2005-2006 yıllarında University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center‘da Dr. Warren Snodgrass, Dr. Duncan Wilcox ve Dr. Linda Baker gözetiminde ACGME tarafından onaylanan resmi çocuk ürolojisi klinik yan dal uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladı. Bu eğitim esnasında çocuklarda idrar yolu enfeksiyonları, vezikoüreteral reflü, prenatal hidronefroz, hipospadias, doğumsal penis bozuklukları, inmemiş testis, spina bifida, idrar kaçırma ve laparoskopik cerrahi gibi konularda çalışmalarda bulundu.

Avrupa Üroloji Derneği (2008)

2008 yılında Avrupa Üroloji Derneği tarafından seçilerek rekonstrüktif ve fonksiyonel üroloji konusunda eğiticilerin eğitimi kursuna davet edilerek kadın ve erkeklerde idrar kaçırma, mesane, rahim ve vajen sarkması, erkek ve kadın genital kozmetik bozukluklar, penis cerrahisi protez cerrahisi , üretra darlıkları, başarısız hipospadias onarımları ve fistüller üzerine ileri tecrübe kazandı.

Cleveland Clinic (2011, Cleveland, USA)

2011 yılında Cleveland Clinic tarafından misafir öğretim üyesi olarak davet edilip çocuk ürolojisi ve rekonstrüktif ve fonksiyonel ürolojik cerrahi konusunda çalışmalarda bulundu.


UCSF de yapılan çalışmalar ile 2001 yılında SIU Uluslarası Üroloji Çalışma Ödülünü, 2002 ve 2003 yılı Jack Lapides Neurourology and Urodynamics ödüllerini, 2002 yılı California Urology Foundation ödülünü, 2004 yılı Avrupa Üroloji Derneği Çocuk Ürolojisi ödülünü almıştır.

2004 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesinden Dr. Nuray Erin ile beraber Pfizer Uluslararası Ödül Desteğini alarak erişkin ve çocuklarda idrar kaçırma ile sinir sisteminin ilişkisi üzerine bir proje geliştirmiştir.

2011 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesinden Dr. Murat Canpolat ile beraber TÜBİTAK Cihaz Geliştirme desteğini alarak testis torsiyonunun kısa sürede tanınabilmesi için yeni bir cihaz geliştirme çalışmalarında bulunmuştur.


7.1.1Yucel S, Turkeri LN, Akdas A. Early cystic relapse of embryonal carcinoma of testis in obturator fossa. Arch Esp Urol.,53(1), 87-9, (2000)

7.1.2: Ertugrul A, Yucel S, ilker Y, Akdas A. Use of double-J stent in a case of spontenous ureteral extravasation of urine. Arch Esp Urol.,53(5), 491-3 (2000)

Uzmanlık Sonrası

7.1.3: Cam K, Yucel S, Turkeri L, Akdas A. “Accuracy of transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy: histopathological correlation to matched prostatectomy specimens”. Int J Urol., 9(5), 257-60 (2002)

7.1.4:Yucel S, Baskin LS. “The neuroanatomy of the human scrotum: surgical ramifications”. BJU Int., 91(4), 393-7 (2003)

7.1.5: Yucel S, Baskin LS. “Identification of communicating branches among the dorsal, perineal and cavernous nerves of the penis”. J Urol., 170(1), 153-8 (2003)

7.1.6: Yucel S, Baskin LS. “Neuroanatomy of the ureterovesical junction: clinical implications”. J Urol. Sep;170(3):945-8. (2003)

7.1.7Yucel S, Cavalcanti AG, Wang Z, Baskin LS. “The impact of prenatal androgens on vaginal and urogenital sinus development in the female Mouse”. J Urol. Oct;170(4 Pt 1):1432-6. (2003)

7.1.8Yucel S, Baskin LS. “Neuroanatomy of the male urethra and perineum”.. BJU Int. Oct;92(6):624-30 (2003)

7.1.9Yucel S, Cavalcanti AG, Desouza A, Wang Z, Baskin LS.”The effect of oestrogen and testosterone on the urethral seam of the developing male mouse genital tubercle”. BJU Int. Dec;92(9):1016-21. (2003)

7.1.10: Simsek F, Yucel S, Aktas M, Turkeri L. “Ordinary Glass Sphere As An Alternative Injectable Material For Endoscopic Correction of Vesicoureteral Reflux”. J Urol March: 171(3): 1282-6. (2004)

7.1.11: Kim KS, Torres CR, Jr., Yucel S, Raimondo K, Cunha GR and Baskin LS. “Induction of hypospadias in a murine model by maternal exposure to synthetic estrogens”. Environ Res. Mar;94(3):267-75. (2004)

7.1.12: Yucel S, Baskin LS. “An anatomical description of the male and female urethral sphincter complex”. J Urol May: 171(5):  1890-7. (2004)

7.1.13: Cavalcanti AG, Yucel S, Deng DY, McAninch JW, Laurence LS. “The Distribution of Neuronal and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Urethral Stricture Formation”. J Urol May: 171(5): 1943-7. (2004)

7.1.14: Yucel S, Liu W, Cordero D, Donjacour A, Cunha G, Baskin LS. “Anatomical studies of the fibroblast growth factor-10 mutant, Sonic Hedge Hog mutant and androgen receptor mutant mouse genital tubercle”. Adv Exp Med Biol.;545:123-48. (2004)

7.1.15: Baskin LS, Liu W, Bastacky J, Yucel S. “Anatomical studies of the mouse genital tubercle”. Adv Exp Med Biol.;545:103-21. (2004)

7.1.16: Yucel S, Baskin LS. “In utero exposure to prednisone causes hypospadias in Mouse” J Urol .;172:1725-30. (2004)

7.1.17: Yucel S, De Souza A Jr, Baskin LS. “Neuroanatomy of the human female lower urogenital tract.” J Urol .;172:191-5. (2004)

7.1.18: Yucel S, Kutlu O, Kukul E, Baykara M. “Impact of urodynamics in treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis persisting into adulthood.” Urology ;64:1020-5. (2004)

7.1.19: Yucel S, Guntekin E, Kukul E, Karagüzel G, Çitçioğlu A, Melikoğlu M, Baykara M. “Comparison of hypospadiac and normal preputial vascular anatomy.” J Urol .;172:1973-6. (2004)

7.1.20: Yucel S, Ates M, Erdoğru T, Baykara M. “Dysfunctional elimination syndrome in three generations of one family: might it be hereditary ?” Urology ;64:1231. (2004)

7.1.21: Yucel S, Akkaya E, Guntekin E, Kukul E, Danışman A, Akman S, Baykara M. “Should we switch over to tolterodine in every child with non-neurogenic daytime urinary incontinence in whom oxybutynin failed.” Urology ;65:369-73. (2005)

7.1.22: Yucel S, Ucar M, Guntekin E, Kukul E, Melikoglu M, Baykara M. “The impact of ureteral orifice location on the efficacy of endoscopic injection to correct vesicoureteral reflux.” BJU Int; 95: 1314-18 (2005)

7.1.23: Yucel S, Akkaya E, Guntekin E, Kukul E, Akman S, Melikoğlu M, Baykara M. “Can alpha-blocker therapy be an alternative therapy to biofeedback in dysfunctional voiding and urinary retention: a prospective study.” J Urol ;174:1612-15. (2005)

A24: Yucel S, Kocak H, Sanli A, Tosun O, Ersoy F, Tuncer M, Baykara. “How accurate is measuring postvoid residiual volume by portable abdominal ultrasound equipment in peritoneal dialysis patient ?” Neurourol Urodyn ; 24: 358-61 (2005)

7.1.25: Yucel S, Yakupoglu YK, Dinckan A, Gurkan A, Erdogan O, Demirbas A, Baykara. “Management of de novo non-neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dyscoordination in a bladder-drained pancreas and kidney transplantation case.” Pancreas; 31: 188-91 (2005)

7.1.26: Yucel S, Erdogru T, Baykara M “Recent neuroanatomical studies on neurovascular bundle of the prostate and cavernosal nerves: clinical reflections on radical prostatectomy.” Asian J Androl; 7: 339-49 (2005)

7.1.27: Kocak H, Ceken K, Yavuz A, Yucel S, Gurkan A, Erdogan O, Ersoy F, Yakupoglu G, Demirbas A, Tuncer M “Effect of Renal Transplantation on Endothelial Function in Hemodialysis Patients.” Nephrol Dial Transplant; 21: 203-207, (2006)

7.1.28: Baskin LS, Yucel S, Cunha GR, Glickman S, Place NJ “A neuroanatomical comparison of humans ans Spotted Hyena, a natural animal model for common urogenital sinus: clinical reflections on feminizing genitoplasty.” J Urol ; 175: 276-83 (2006)

Doçentlik Sonrası

 7.1.29: Yucel S, Sanli A, E, Kukul E, Melikoğlu M, Guntekin E “Midline dorsal plication to repair chordee in reoperation for hypospadias surgery complications.” J Urol ; 175: 699- 703 (2006)

7.1.30: Willingham E, Agras K, de Souza AE Jr, Konijeti R, Yucel S, Rickie W, Cunha GR, Baskin LS. “Steroid receptors and mammalian penile development: an unexpected role for progesterone receptor?” J Urol; 176: 728-733 (2006)

7.1.31: Yucel S, Editorial Comment, International Braz J Urol, 32(3), 322-329, (2006)

7.1.32: Yong W, Yang Z, Periyasamy S, Chen H, Yucel S, Li W, Lin LY, Wolf IM, Cohn MJ, Baskin LS, Sanchez ER, Shou W. “Essential role for Co-chaperone FKBP52 but not FKBP51 in androgen receptor-mediated signaling and physiology.”J Biol Chem; 282(7):5026-36, (2007)

7.1.33: Snodgrass WT , Yucel S, “Tubularized urethral plate for midshaft and proximal hypospadias repair?” J Urol; 177: 698-702, (2007)

7.1.34: Yucel S, Samuelson M, Nguyen M, Baker L. “Utility of short term retriviable double-J ureteral stenting in pediatric laparoscopic pyeloplasty?” J Urol;177: 720-725, (2007)

7.1.35: Yucel S, Snodgrass WT. “Multivariate analysis of factors predicting success with dextranomer/Hyalurinic acid injection for vesizcoureteral reflux” J Urol; 177: 1505-1509, (2007)

7.1.36: Yucel S, Tarcan T, Sımsek F “Durability of a single successful endoscopic polytetrafluoroethylene injection for primary vesicoureteral reflux: 14-year followup results.” J Urol;; 177: 720-725, (2007)

7.1.37: Yucel S, Ziada A, Harrison C, Wilcox D, Baker L, Snodgrass W: Decision making during laparoscopic orchiopexy for intra-abdominal testes near the internal ring. J Urol, 178; 1447-1450, (2007)

7.1.38: Yucel S, Dravis C, Garcia N, Henkemeyer M, Baker L.  “Hypospadias and anorectal malformations mediated by defective Eph/ephrin signaling” J Ped Urol; 3: 354-363, (2007)

7.1.39: Snodgrass W, Yucel S, Ziada A: Scrotal exploration for unilateral nonpalpable testis. J Urol, 178: 1718-1721, (2007)

7.1.40: Yucel S, Editorial Comment, J Urol, 178: 1802-1806, (2007)

7.1.41: Yucel S, Brown B, Bush NC, Ahmad N, Baker LA. : What to anticipate with experience in laparoscopic ablative renal surgery in children.  J Urol. Feb;179(2):697-702, (2008)

7.1.42: Snodgrass W, Ziada A, Yucel S, Gupta A.: Comparison of outcomes of tubularized incised plate hypospadias repair and circumcision: a questionnaire-based survey of parents and surgeon. J Pediatr Urol. Aug;4(4):250-4, (2008)

7.1.43: Erdogru T, Yucel S, Frede T, Baykara M, Rassweiler J, Teber D. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: transfer validity. Int J Urol. May;17(5):476-82, (2010)

7.1.44: Yucel S, Akin Y, Celik O, Erdogru T, Baykara M. Endoscopic vesicoureteral reflux correction in transplanted kidneys: does injection technique matter? J Endourol. Oct;24(10):1661-4, (2010)

7.1.45: Yucel S, Kol A, Guntekin E, Baykara M. Anticholinergics do not improve cure rate of alarm treatment of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.Urology. Mar;77(3):721-4, (2011)

7.1.46: Yucel S, Celik O, Kol A, Baykara M, Guntekin E Initial pre-scrotal approach for palpable cryptorchid testis: results during a 3-year period.. J Urol. Feb;185(2):669-72. (2011)

Profesörlük  Sonrası

7.1.47:  Yucel S, Akin Y, Kol A, Danisman A, Guntekin E Experience on semirigid ureteroscopy and pneumatic lithotripsy in children at a single center. World J Urol. Dec;29(6): 719-723 (2011)

7.1.48: Bagrodia A, Yucel S, Baker LA. Staged male urethroplasty transferring megalourethra tissue as free graft dorsal inlay to proximal urethral atresia in VACTERL association. Urology. Dec; 78(6): 14717-1419 (2011)

7.1.49: Dogan HS, Onal B, Satar N, Aygun C, Piskin M, Tanriverdi O, Gurocak S, Gunay LM, Burgu B, Ozden E, Nazli O, Erdem E, Yucel S, Kefi A, Demirci D, Uluocak N, Aridogan IA, Turunc T, Yalcin V, Kilinc M, Horasanli K, Tan MO, Soygur T, Sarikaya S, Kilicarslan H, Turna B, Doruk HE, Tekgul S. Factors affecting complication rates of ureteroscopic lithotripsy in children: results of multi-institutional retrospective analysis by pediatric stone disease study group of Turkish Pediatric Urology Society. J Urol. Sep;186(3):1035-40.  (2011)

7.1.50: Erman-Akar M, Ozkan O, Ozkan O, Yucel S, Dolay K, Ertugrul F, Bektas G Uterine preservation and vaginal reconstruction in a patient with congenital vaginal agenesis presenting with cyclic menouria. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. Sep-Oct;18(5):682-5. (2011)

7.1.51: Akin Y, Koksoy S, Yucel S, Erdogru T, Baykara M. Increased peripheral CD4+CD25 high Treg in prostate cancer patients is correlated with PSA. Saudi Med J Oct 32(10): 1003-8, (2011)

7.1.52: Akin Y, Koksoy S, Yucel S, Erdogru T, Baykara M. Is there any relationship between PSA and increased peripheral CD4+CD25highFOX3+ Treg in prostate cancer patients? Journal of Health Sciences; 1 (2): 75 – 82, (2011)

7.1.53: Yucel S, Akin Y, Danisman, Guntekin E: Complications and associated factors of pediatric extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. J Urol; May(187), 1812-1816 (2012)

7.1.54: Akin Y, Yucel S, Danisman A, Erdogru T, Baykara M: The impact of metabolic risk management on recurrence of urinary Stones.  Journal of Health Sciences; 2 (1): 17 – 22, (2012)

7.1.55: Canpolat M, Yucel S, Sircan-Kucuksayan A, Kol A, Kazanci HO, Denkceken T. Diagnosis of testicular torsion by measuring attenuation of dual wavelengths in transmission geometry across the testis: an experimental study in a rat model. Urology. Apr;79(4):966.e9-966.e12. (2012)

7.1.56: Akin Y, Yucel S, Danisman A, Erdogru T, Baykara M. The impact of metabolic risk management on recurrence of urinary stones Kuwait J Med, , 44(3): 215-218, (2012)

7.1.57: Ozekinci M, Yucel S, Sanhal C, Akar ME. Labial Fusion Causing Coital and Voiding Difficulty in a Young Woman. Advances in Sexual Medicine. 3, 11-13, (2013)

7.1.58: Akin Y, Gulmez H, Ucar M, Yucel S. The effect of the first dose of tamsulosin on flow rate and its predictive ability on the improvement of LUTS in men with BPH in the mid-term. Int Urol Nephrol. Feb 45(1): 45-51 (2013)

7.1.59: Dinckan A, Aliosmanoglu I, Kocak H, Gunseren F, Mesci A, Ertug Z, Yucel S, Suleymanlar G, Gurkan A. Surgical correction of vesicoureteral reflux for recurrent febrile urinary tract infections after kidney transplant. BJU Int. 2013 Aug;112(4):E366-71 (2013)

7.1.60: Akin Y, Ates M, Celik O, Ucar M, Yucel S, Erdogru T. Complications of urologic laparoscopic surgery: A center surgeons experience involving 601 procedures including the learning curve. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. May; 29(5): 275-9 ( 2013)

7.1.61: Akın Y, Yuksel K, Bassorgun I, Ciftcioglu MA, Yucel S, Baykara M, Nuhoglu B, Bozkurt A, Erdogru T. The consistency of Gleason scores may effect the operation outcomes for laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a single surgeon and a single pathologist data. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. Jan;17(1):123-9. (2013)

7.1.62: Akin Y, Yucel S. Re: terpene compound drug as medical expulsive therapy for ureterolithiasis: a meta-analysis . J Endourol. Jun; 27(6): 809-10 (2013)

7.1.63: Akın Y, Basara I, Yucel S, Gulmez H, Ates M, Bozkurt A, Nuhoglu B, Erdogru T. Is Tubeless PCNL Really Less Injurious Than Standard in The Mid-term? J Endourol. Oct;27(10):1192-6 (2013)

7.1.64: Akın Y, Sarac M, Yucel S. Rare Malformation of glans penis: Arteriovenous malformation. Niger J Clin Pract. Jul-Sep; 16(3): 389-391 (2013)

7.1.65: Celik O, Ipekçi T, Aydoğdu O, Yucel S. Current medical diagnosis and management of vesicoureteral reflux in children. Nephrourol Mon. Nov; 5 (6)1: e13534 (2013)

7.1.66: Çelik O, Yücel S. Testosterone replacement therapy: Should it be performed in erectile dysfunction ? Nephrolurol Mon. Sep; 5(4): 858-861 (2013)

7.1.67: Dinckan A, Koçak H, Tekin A, Türkyılmaz S, Hadimioğlu N, Ertuğ Z, Günseren F, Ari E, Dinç B, Gürkan A, Yücel S. Concurrent unilateral or bilateral native nephrectomy in kidney transplant recipients. Ann Transplant. Dec; 20(18): 697-704 (2013)

7.1.68: Akin Y, Uçar M, Yücel S. Current medical treatment in pediatric urolithiasis. Turk J Urol. Dec; 39(4): 253-263 (2013)

7.1.69: Akin Y, Ateş M, Yücel S, Başara I, Çelik O, Bozkurt A, Nuhoğlu B. Comparison of different ligation techniques in laparoscopic varicocelectomy. Turk J Med Sci. 44(2): 273-278 (2014)

7.1.70: Akın Y, Yucel S, Baykara M. An extremely rare manifestation of Behcet’s disease: urethrovaginal fistula.. Int Urol Nephrol. Feb; 46(2):  (2014)

7.1.71: Akin Y, Gulmez H, Güntekin E, Baykara M, Yücel S. Retrospective study of endoscopic treatment in children with primary veicoureteral reflux and multivariate analysis of factors for failure. Scand J Urol. Dec; 48(6): 565-70 (2014)

7.1.72: Akin Y, Yücel S. Long term effects of pediatric extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy on renal function. Res Rep Urol. Apr; 28(6): 21-25 (2014)

7.1.73: İpekçi T, Akin Y, Gulmez H, Ateş E, Yücel S. Impact of transurethral resection on urinary flow rate in children with posterior urethral valve in short term follow up. Saudi Med J. May; 35(5): 460-465 (2014)

7.1.74: Baykara M, Denkçeken T, Başsorgun I, Akin Y, Yucel S, Canpolat M. Detecting positive surgical margins using single optical fiber probe during radical prostatectomy: a pilot study. Urology. Jun; 83(6): 1438-42 (2014)

7.1.75: Akin Y, Yücel S, Baykara M. Distal phalangeal necrosis in the extrmeties as a paraneoplastic syndrome in prostate cancer: an extremely rare case. Urol Int. 93(2): 244-6 (2014)

7.1.76: Akin Y, Bassorgun I, Basara I, Yucel S. Malignant mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis : an extremely rare case presenting without risk factors. Singapore Med J Mar; 56(3): e53-5 (2015)

7.1.77: Baykara M, Akin Y, Sahiner IF, Yucel S, Erdoğru T, Tosun O. Relationship between neck circumference and overactive bladder in women with metabolic syndrome: a preliminary study. Wien Klin Wochenchr. Dec; 128 (suppl 8): 581-586 (2016)

7.1.78: Akin Y, Gulmez H, Savaş M, Aykan S, Onder O, Yucel S.  Relationship between neck circumference and overactive bladder in women with metabolic syndrome: a preliminary study. Wien Klin Wochenchr. Dec; 128 (suppl 8): 581-586 (2016)


Doçentlik Sonrası:

7.3.1: Yucel S, Baker LA. “Chapter 12: STING for vesicoureteral reflux” Pediatric Endourology Techniques, Ed. P. Godbole, Spinger, 2007,  sayfa 77-83

7.3.2: Yucel S, Baker LA. “Chapter 13: Bladder outlet injection for urinary incontinence” Pediatric Endourology Techniques, Ed. P. Godbole, Spinger, 2007, sayfa 85-91

Profesörlük Sonrası

7.3.3: Yucel S, Baker LA. “Chapter 23: Bladder outlet injection for urinary incontinence” Pediatric Endourology Techniques, Ed. P. Godbole, MA Kolye, DT Wilcox, Spinger, 2nd Ed.  2013

7.3.4: Yucel S, Uçar M, Keskin S. “Chapter : Endoscopy” Clinical Urodynamics in Childhood and Adolescents, Ed : Giovanni Mosiello, Springer Nature, 2018

7.3.5Yucel S, Uçar M. “Chapter: Anatomy of Female Genitalia and Neural Innervation for Feminizing Genitoplasty.”  Operative Manual of Pediatric and Adolescent Reconstruction. Eds Mohan S Gundeti, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ,2019

Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yücel’in uluslararası tıp dergilerinde yayınlanan tüm makalelerine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Prof.Dr. Selçuk YÜCEL

Üroloji ve Çocuk Ürolojisi Uzmanı

İletişim: 0 530 313 24 68


Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

Üroloji Anabilim Dalı